Whistler2014 Conference

Whistler 2014

This conference was a huge undertaking. Myself and a couple other co-workers were brought on to the team quite late in the process, and worked many late nights to meet the teams goal of producing a “world class Navigator conference”. I worked as design lead leading up to the conference, stage manager while there, and then worked on the team to get the recorded resources from the conference out afterwards (and then took a holiday). Below are a few elements from the conference:

Initial Branding pitches

As often as I can, I will come to a meeting with some designs prepared, and ready to continue creating in the meeting based on the feedback and discussions being held.  It often amazes me how far a project can develop when spending time listening carefully to the people commissioning the project. The first set of logos was designed based on the criteria given to me for the project: The conference title was to be “Entos” (greek word for “among”) and they had a number of tag lines they were fleshing out while I designed, so they wanted to see several options.

The second set of logos developed  during a meeting with the client.  The conference was already being referred to as “the Whistler Conference” by the staff rather than “Entos”, and we all agreed that “Whistler 2014” was more descriptive and excitement building.  The tag line was chosen by a the Navigator leadership and Conference Team. The client chose a) in the Whistler 2014 image above.

Final look for the conference


In the end, this was the base look for all the media at this conference. Everything print from place settings, conference folders, giveaways and vortex banners to powerpoint and motion graphics had this look and feel.  Volunteers had blue shirts with the Whistler logo, and most of our goodie basket material was either branded just like this, or with traditional Navigator look and feel to get our name out further. You can still purchase many of these items.

Stage Managing

The back of house control room. I enjoyed this immensely.

Video Resources of Breakout sessions

Here is an example of one the resources. Ron Page is a Navigator and professional counselor, who lead one of the breakout sessions at this conference.Throughout the week there was a team of people filming these sessions, including two volunteers from BC, myself and Brendan Danielson, the Navigators Communications Correspondant. Motion graphics by Alex Beemer

We also took photos when we could. You can see them on the Navigators Flickr page

Ekco Creations


Logo and label design for Sonja Mattisen-Pierre of eKco natural products. Sonja is an incredible local jeweler and has a line of all natural products for skin of all ages and genders.