Staff and Volunteer Live sound


Zeus DJ Logo |   Morning after a gig with Zeus   |  Chamberfest 2010 Banner  |  2 am after shift two at OCFF

My parents always worried about me because I wore so much black clothing. I just realized the reality is that is my dress code a lot of the time for work, and that explains everything.

Here are some of the fantastic people I have worked with in the past year:
Zeus DJ: I have been staff with them for the last 4 years, until the owners moved to TO and stopped working with Zeus (also: I didn’t design this logo). For them I was a photographer, heavy equipment pack horse, entertainment, lighting setup and tech and occasionally they even let me run the music.  We certainly had a lot of fun, and put on some pretty good shows.
Chamberfest: I seem to have misplaced my lovely black t-shirt that I got from Chamberfest, so sadly, the banner will have to do until I find it again. This was a chamber music festival that I volunteered with this past summer.  I was a stage hand at St. Brigit’s cathedral (now arts centre) for both the evening and late night shows. I ran lights and gave some stage cues to musicians. I would highly recommend volunteering with Chamberfest if you are in ottawa and looking to get into the tech side of live music or theatre. They have a very welcoming and teaching-friendly staff, and I quite enjoyed my time here.
Finally, Last weekend was the OCFF music festival. This was unlike anything I have ever experienced (There are youtube videos of the hallways of OCFF if you want the first hand experience). It is a festival for managers, agents and musicians to make connections and have a great time playing their music together. They took over the crown plaza hotel in downtown ottawa, and there was music everywhere. I almost got run over by a marching brass band that started up randomly in the penthouse hallway. Fiddlers in the elevators. Dan Mangan in his hotel room with a full band and audience. A+. I think I almost ran into Serina Rider, but its kind of hard to say. Anyway, I was a stage manager for 2 nights of shows, among who the People Project, Twilight Hotel, Cecil Doo-Kingue along with about ~8 other bands played back to back 1/2 hour showcase set. I think I only fully gripped what it means to be a stage manager at an event like this by the end of the last night, but I was learning from the best of the best and met some fantastic people along the way. It was a great learning experience for me, very humbling, and now I think I know what I am doing :).

On the Job Audio

Various Studios I have worked in for live sound recording, and live audio.

Tim Jackson in a recording session. Tim has been in a number of bands, and is currently playing bass for David Celia in Toronto. He has also been seen playing in Perth, Ontario with a local band Mostly Harmless, and with Willow in the Deep in Toronto.

Sears Drama Festival award 2006

I was involved with Sears for 2 shows, but I won a this award in my grade 12 year (best district Stage Manager). I also stage managed for 2 school wide productions for the high school and did many many other shows around the school (sr. festival for example, I did lighting for 5 nights in a row). Now I volunteer with music and theatre around Ottawa, I love being backstage!
