Vitality Demo A


This video is a quick demo of what my team and I have been working on for our Sr Project in IMD at Carleton University. The project is to design and create a project that will display the skills we have gained through the IMD program, which in our case was a 3D game. The Document below outlines the design my team and I (there are 6 of us: myself, Meagan Leflar, Laura Kenney, Lacey Maw, Brittany Pinder and Tamara Solomon)  are in the process of completing in the last semester of this 12 month project. 


Vitality is a single-player 3D game that uses the player’s brain activity, facial expressions, and head movements as the main form of interaction using an EEG headset. Developed by team Double X (XX), Vitality is the exciting story of a camper undergoing an accident knocks them unconscious. From there, players will enter a magical world inside their mind that they must navigate, gaining new skills from vastly different elemental-based dimensions and collecting pieces of their soul in order to eventually defeat death and return to their body, alive. 


The finished product will be on display for the public on April 10th in Azreli Pavilion at Carleton University.


Catch me if you can – Animated Short


“Catch Me If You Can” was completed as a final project for IMD’s 4th year 3D animation class. Students were required to rig at least one character, and and responsible for all movement, lighting, scenery and texturing. We were alro required to complete storyboards and all the pre-production documentation suitable for an animated short.


This animation was written, designed, modeled, animated and textured by myself*. The snake, called the Leviathan, was hand rigged and then expressions were used to make him swim. The head, jaw, and spikes were animated with keyframe animation, as were the captain, seagull and the seaweed. To make the scene appear underwater, I did a lot of experimenting with volume shaders and splash plugins, as well as particle systems for bubbles and sediment. A last minute requirement from our professor was to use paint effects, so these can also be seen in the animation.  Autodesk Maya was used for all 3D elements, and After effects was used for compositing and extra effects.

*(the Leviathan was textured by a classmate for a separate project, and the captain borrowed heavily from an external model – all of which was still within the bounds of the assignment). 


“Catch Me If You Can” was publicly displayed in a public screening at Carleton on December 16th 2011, and received and excellent grade. 

Airborne the Game


“Airborne”  was completed as a final project for Design Studio 4, a 4th year class at Carleton University. The project was to use XNA, Unity or the Unreal engine to design and develope a complete game, with approperate design steps such as project plans and design documents. We worked in a team of four: Meagan Leflar, Laura Kenney, Lacey Maw and myself. Using windows phone was an optional part of this assignment.


Airborne is a fast paced 3D adventure game for Windows Mobile 7 Phones that takes the modern fascination of the steampunk style to new heights. Captain your own airship along the treasure map in order to unveil wealth beyond your wildest dreams- but watch out for pirates! They will try to shoot you down and loot your ship so you must get them before they get you. Follow the map, collect the treasure and destroy anyone that stands it your way! 

On this project I was responsible for a part of the 3D modeling (both enemey airships models + fbx) Animating those models, as well as modifying them to take damage which unfortunetly didn’t make it into the game because of a skinning data error (the mesh after it was broken apart in maya and then animated, however without one skeleton XNA would not accept the files). I was also responsible for design and implimentation of our website ( or and our finished video, which was completed on a very tight deadline.


Airborne was on display at a public open house at Carleton on December 16th 2011. It has since then been featured on Microsofts Go Devmental Blog, on the BIT degree homepage, and in the Charletton, Carletons newspaper. See Screen caps below:


Augmented Reality Chess Game – Final Documentation Video

Battle Chess was created as a final project for Design Studio 3 at Algonquin College/Carleton University. The class was based on finding new ways to interact with our surroundings, and we were required to design and develop a project to reflect our learning. Suggest topics were Augmented Reality, Arduino, xBox Connect, Processing Camera Vision etc. 
Battle Chess is a chess game that uses Augmented Reality markers to create animated ches pieces. Battle chess was created using Goblin XNA, ALVAR and openCV. There were 6 character models, with interchangable textures depending on the team and mode of the character, and each character has an attack and a death animation. The hardware was hand made using bathroom tiles, and we used a camera attched to a baseball cap to make the game more accessable to everyone. This was a team project: I was responsible for modeling (Maya) the Knight, Wizzard, King and Castle, and all of the attack animations. I also completed our demo video (in under 12 hours) Brittany Pinder was the programmer, and Lindsay Codere was responsible for rigging all the characters. Meagan Leflar was responsible for the remaining modeling, and all of the death animations. For more information, please refer to our presentation slideshow posted below.
A successful game that was fun to play with new and exciting animated characters. 