Invitation to the Advance Conference

A sneak peek at the marketing materials for the next Navigator National Conference.

Disciple Take-away Placemat

The Disciple Conferences are Ontario based Navigator conferences that happen every 3-6 months. I have been coaching this team on their branding and design since 2012. This is a two side “take away” placemat for the attendees to take notes on each speaker. I didn’t design the logo, but the rest of the work was mine.

The Helm – Navigator Intranet

Project: The Helm is the Navigators intranet system. I was presented with a number of challenges within the Navigator culture around encouraging interaction over the distance between our different teams across Canada, a natural tendency to not have time for computers due to the ground nature of our staff’s work, and the need to easily share files and access important work systems. I was tasked with proposing solutions in the form of an intranet system, which later became the Helm. The Helm is protected behind a secure login, contains a profiling system that is our official National addressbook and part of an HR system, connects to the fundraising website, and contains areas for departments to share critical resources with staff and associates.

My role in this project was to design and user test the user interface/ user experience, as well as the look and feel of the site and lead the development team. With leading, I was responsible for connecting with leadership to set goals for engagement and features. I lead a team of 3, and then trained 6 department heads on their responsibilities and communicated with all of the staff across Canada to get each team online. Our team consisted of two other very talented individuals: Rich Wilton, the Navigators Webmaster and Alex Beemer, who did the initial programmed all the social elements of the homepage.

Rwanda School project unveil video

A quick promo for a project that was launched at a local church. These pastors (Jamie is co-owner of Paton Bros. and does a lot of charity work the rest of his week) have been traveling back and forth to Rwanda to partner with the community there since 2008. This project is to finally make their presence in the community a permanent partnership by building a home and a school to address real needs they have been witness to in the last number of years.

This was a free project myself and a co-shooter (Brendan Danielson) put together overnight for Jamie and Heather to make this announcement.Brendan and I both shoot with Nikon DSLR’s , one with and 1.8 prime we purchased the day before and the other was a 18-200. Some of the lower quality footage from Africa was supplied by teams that had traveled to Rwanda, and was taken on an iPhone.