Vitality Teaser


This video is a quick demo of what my team and I have been working on for our Sr Project in IMD at Carleton University. The project is to design and create a project that will display the skills we have gained through the IMD program, which in our case was a 3D game. My team and I (there are 6 of us: myself, Meagan Leflar, Laura Kenney, Lacey Maw, Brittany Pinder and Tamara Solomon)  are in the process of completing the last semester of this 12 month project.


Vitality is a single-player 3D game that uses the player’s brain activity, facial expressions, and head movements as the main form of interaction using an EEG headset. Developed by team Double X (XX), Vitality is the exciting story of a camper undergoing an accident which knocks them unconscious. From there, players will enter a magical world inside their mind that they must navigate, gaining new skills from vastly different elemental-based dimensions and collecting pieces of their soul in order to eventually defeat death and return to their body, alive.


The finished product will be on display for the public on April 10th in Azreli Pavilion at Carleton University.

You can see some more of the behind the scenes and an early version of Vitality here