The day in the life of an IMD student

Some quick shots of time in the lab. For the reference I turned the calculator on and it gave me that message. I can’t escape 🙂


If you can’t read it the caption says:

IMDad: (IMD after dark, when hysteria sets in) Sleep is for the weak. And then several people “like” this.

The Second one says syntax error. On a calculator. I just can’t escape!

Photography exam

part of my photography exam.



This project was our final photography exam at Algonquin College. We were to take several photos illistrating principles of photography, including depth of field, simplicity, rule of thirds, exposure/appature, siluette etc. We had a reasonably tight deadline to get all of these pictures in to be edited.


These photos were taken with a Nikon 3100 by Jaimie Thom.


Excellent grade in photography class and a new appreciation for photography. Also a number of freelance jobs came out of taking this class. See some of my work since then on flickr:

Lego Technics MEL GUI assignment



To write a User Interface in Maya MEL script that could be used to build an accurate Lego Technic vehicle.


My UI allowed the user to determine the colour, kind and various sizes of lego blocks. There were two types of wheels, regular blocks, slanted blocks, blocks with holes in them, 90 and 45 degree angled blocks with holes in them, and axels.  I then used the UI to build this airplane.


50 hours of work later, it was done. And I decided that programming wasn’t all bad because I never would have wanted to model all of that by hand.


WIN! :


Arduino Iron Chef

This was for our DS3 class where teams of 3 were given 2 random censors (in our case 2 flex censors) and an arduino kit and were required to make something interesting out of it in 2 classes (about 5 hours total). We made a wave race game where the flex sensors were sewn onto the index fingers of 2 gloves to control the throttle and break, and used a knob to steer. We also had an led speedometer.

The video was a little shaky, but I’ll see what I can do about including images as well. Everyone should do this kind of iron chef once in their life. You learn so much!