Cats in a bag – digital Theremin project

Art installation – digital Theremin project

Under professor Anthony Whithead’s supervison I was to pick a subject and study it over the course of a semester. I chose interactive art installations, and after about a month of in depth research into the world of art installations, I discovered that there are few musical art installations, which led to the creation of “cats in a bag”
This project was completed as a directed study for the IMD program at Carleton. We aimed to create a musical Art Installation where the musician is also the instrument. Their placement in space determines the sound being created.
This involved a live video feed is taken and processed to give back sounds.The musician can control the pitch with left-right movements, volume with height and sustain by distance from the
Programmed in processing using open CV’s blob detection and the minim library.
Carlo Verdiccio, a Carleton/Concordia music graduate and esteemed Ottawa musician volinteered to try to tame the “Cats in a Bag” installation.  We had a studio day to determine if it could indeed be used to produce music. The following videos were the outcome of that day, which I would say was a success: