

To make a special effects action movie for IMD’s Design Studio 1.


Sated was an action movie created for a school project in 2nd year. Special effects I worked on include: gun shot,  wounded chemest on the floor, and the greenscreened helicopter in one of the final shots.

Unforutnatly we ran out of time to edit the sound, adjust some of the transitions and render a high quality version of Sated, however the story is as follows:

You (shot in first person) are a runner for a large drug company who has discovered the existance of a mass virus that is fatal to humans if injested that has recently been accidently invented. Your boss has taken over the operation and  is further developing the drug in order to infect the world and sell the antidote for profit. He sends you on a mission to pick up the first shipment, but instead, you desctroy it and kill the chemest, the only person who knows how to create the virus. This information is shown through flashbacks.

The story takes place after you have been caught by your boss (Hassan Assad). He injects you with the virus in hopes that you will give him information about what has happened to the shipment, and in turn he would provide the antidote. Instead, you run, eventually encountering your boss as he is making his way to his private hellicopter. However it is too late for you, as the virus runs its course and your character dies. However it is not all a sad ending, as your sacrifice saved the world from the release and further development of Sated.


First encounter with Adobe After Effects, managed my first team for a University Project.