Final Project for Visual Dynamics: Personal CD Cover


This was sent for print so some of the contrast and whatnot may appear a little off. Original piece, Nikon d40, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I received a perfect grade for the whole package, including justifications and presentation of the piece (it also had to be printed properly, which was a learning experience in itself.)

Death Lemonade


Website design

This may have been the most fun I have ever had on an assignment. My classmates and I decided to break our stereotypical nerdy-girl motif and show some guitar skills! (this idea and the name of the band came during a very serious guitar hero meeting.) I have never had a professor laugh at an assignment before, and I’m glad the first time was because that was the intent. 

Three roll over states. Each section of the lemon would change depending on the state of the mouse. Personal project (with acting credits to the lovely ladies!) and composed in Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver. 


Graphic design for PYPL Youth group


Concept illustrations for the “Passionate Youth Prepared for Life” 

Adobe illistrator.

Top: Front and back of t-shirts- actually got printed on shirts and sold to students.

Middle: Staff Shirt 

other middle: Church Logo altered for the group. Meant to be a spoof of the official logo that could be used on official documentation

Bottom: Banner and Shirt design.

Document Two: Oasis logo, for the older youth group.

Missing: Hat logo. Was actually printed and sold. I have seen a couple people in other cities wearing these hats!